After the surgical procedure

After tooth extraction sterile gauze plug in inserted onto the wound for 15-20 min to stop bleading. Blood clot appears during this period, this is essential to protect wound against infection.

Mouth rinsing is contraindicated after tooth extraction since it disturbs the blood clot. Precise extraction technique ensures uncomplicated wound healing after 8-10 days.

Slight bleeding is normal

Sometimes bleeding occurs several hours after the extraction. Some drugs (eg Aspirin) may provoke bleeding. Usually bleeding is not extensive, but continuous. To stop such a bleeding, one may use gauze plug, set it onto the wound and bite for 20 minutes.

Even slight bleeding may be disturbing, but there is no reason to panic if wound is bleeding couple of hours after the surgery. But if the wound is bleeding after 2-3 hours, one should immediately consult with the surgeon.

Some more information

After the surgery ice bag is held on the patient’s face to reduce swelling. Slight swelling is normal. During the first 2-3 days swelling may increase, but after that begins to disappear. First days after the operation some pain may occur, but then pain-killers can be used.

It is not allowed to use antibiotics without prescription, since different antibiotics have different effect range and surgeon will select the proper one. It is not advisable to apply hot compresses since this will provoke swelling.

After tooth extraction one has to refrain from food and drinks intake for 2 hours. Hot drinks and food are prohibited for the 24 hours. One should brush teeth as usual since good oral hygiene accelerates healing.

Nutrition after tooth extraction

Mouth may not open as wide as usually during healing period since movements may be tender and joint may be sensitive. After some time it is advisable to train mouth opening and closing again to re-establish normal movements. Please be careful during eating not to disturb the blood clot.

During first days after the extraction it is better to eat some light food, but straws may not be used since they disturb blood coagulation. Intensive rinsing is not allowed to, but gentle rinsing with weak salt solution is recommended. It is better to refrain from solid and sticky food that may harm jaws.

Please remember that smoking heavily disturbs blood circulation, blood coagulation and delays healing.

Please btush your teeth gently during the first days after extraction to prevent wound injury.

Possible risks and complications

Tooth extraction is a common procedure that seldom causes complications. But as in any other surgical procedure, complications may occur and patient has to be aware of them.

Possible complications

  1. Infection 
    Always when tissues are injured infection may occur. Every infection has to be taken in account seriously and surgeon has to be informed to select proper antibiotics. Typical signs of infection are high temperature, swelling, bad taste in the mouth and pus formation.
  2. Injury 
    During tooth extraction neighbouring teeth, fillings, bone or soft tissue may be injured.
  3. Dry alveolus (dry socket)
    This situation occurs in empty tooth socket when blood clot is disturbed. If blood clot cannnot form in the socket, for example because of smoking or food gnawing, socket becomes dry and heals very slowly. That may be also very painful, because bone is opened to the the air, food or drinks. If in a couple of days after the extraction such a pain occurs, one should immediately visit the surgeon.
  4. Loss of perceptibility.
    Sometimes main nerves of oral cavity are located closed to the wisdom teeth; therefore thay may me irritated during the extraction. Due to this paraesthesia or anaesthesia may occur – this is partial or complete loss of perceptibility in the area of innervation. Depending on the nerve’s function insensibility may occur in the area of lips, tongue, cheeks, chin, gums or teeth. Isnensibility is usually temporary, but sometimes may last for longer period of time.
  5. Root fragments 
    Sometimes roots may be very fragile and during the operation root fragments may chip. Usually these chips are removed during socket inspection and this is usually socket wall that disturbs the patient. But if you feel, that some fragment is moving in the socket, please contact your surgeon.
  6.  Joint pain or malfunction 
    Joint pain or malfuntion are rare consequences of wisdom teeth extraction, but if they have occurred, they need to be managed.

Some more instructions

  1. Do not disturb!
    Please do not disturb treated region.Don’t touch it with your tongue, don’t rub it and don’t eat on treated side. Slight bleeding is normal. If heavy bleeding occurs, apply gauze plug on the area and bite for 20-30 minutes. If bleeding doesn’t stop, call your surgeon.
  2. Ice
    To minimize swelling, hold ice-bag on the cheek on the day of operation (20 min with bag, 20 min without). If swelling persists or becomes hard, sensitive or hot, please call your surgeon because these might be signs of infection.
  3. Rinse 
    You may rinse with weak warm salt solution starting from 3 hours after operation.
  4. Soft diet
    Please refrain from food and drink intake before anaesthesia is over. After that please use cool, soft food rich in energy until you can chew easily. Juice, milk, cool potage, jelly, ice cream, joghurt, apple sauce are suitable. Don’t use straw to drink since sucking may disturb the wound.