Ortodontia, Invisalign Platinum Provider Inglismaal
- Tartu Ülikool, arstiteaduskond, hambaarstiteadus, 2001-2006
- Tartu Ülikool, arstiteaduskond, residentuur ortodontia alal, 2006-2009
- University of Westminster, kliinilise fotograafia eriala, 2014-2016
8-9.12.2023 | Funktsionaalse hambaravi kongress. dr Jeffrey P. Okeson, Jean-Daniel Orthlieb, David Angelo | dr Ambra Michelotti | Madrid, Spain |
okt.23 | Orthodontic preparation before prosthetics. dr Roxana Petku, Padhraig Fleming, Jae Hyun Park, | dr Chris Laspos | Online |
sept.23 | Early orthodontic treatment. When and How. | dr Marco Rosa | Online |
juuli.23 | Functional dentistry from A to Z. Complex orthodontic cases. | dr S. Blum | Online |
22.06.2023 | Invisalign E-Conference: To Distalize or To Extract? -Treatment Options and Biomechanical Considerations in Clear Aligner Treatments. | Online | |
mai.23 | TMJ Radiology and occlusion. | dr Lucas Lassman | Online |
26.04.2023 | Invisalign The biomechanics of complex deep bite case treatments with the Invisalign System. | Online | |
veebruar-märts 2023 | Treatment and planning by J.Kois system. | dr Jevgeni Goncharov | Online |
08.12.2022 | Radioloogia kursus radioloogiaga seotud eriala töötajatele. | Online | |
02.11.2022 | Optimizing complex cases with Invisalign aligners. | Online | |
17-18.10.2022 | Complex biomechanics in adult patsients with Tads and aligners. In-house course. | dr Susana Palma-Moya | Ciudad Real, Spain |
Oktoober-November 2022 | Aligners from A to Z. Cycle of webinars by Chris Chang, Waddah Sabouni, Vincenco D´Anto, Heloisa Filipe-Alvez, Jay Bowman, Piedro Costa-Monteiro | Online | |
10-11.06.2022 | Simply Ortho annual meeting congress. | Porto, Portugal | |
09.06.2022 | Tads in Orthodontics, from myth to practice. | dr Amr Asker | Porto, Portugal |